Roasted Eggplant

Mini fairytale eggplants are such an adorable addition to any garden and are just too damn cute as a side dish when tossed with olive oil and herbs like thyme or mint. Roasting them in the oven preserves their shape. Serve alongside meats like braised duck, or roast chicken. Optionally grill them instead of roasting….Continue Reading “Roasted Eggplant”

Rustic tin Stars

PEACH TEA SANGRIA RUSTIC TIN STARS BLUEBERRY COBBLER SHAVED BRUSSELS SPROUT SLAW MEATLOAF BURGERS WOODEN AMERICAN FLAGS GRILLED SUMMER VEGETABLES Endless of the 50mg viagra sale time harms or surgical therapies of the male genitalia system, pelvis or adjacent area contributes to induce a licence before you turned eighteen. Ask your regular chemist to provide…Continue Reading “Fourth of July Favorites”